School Counselor

Maggie Tobias

School Counselor

Phone: (901) 381-2541

[email protected]


Counseling services offered to students:

  • Individual counseling
  • Small group counseling
  • In-class guidance programs


Counseling services offered to parents:

  • Consultation and collaboration
  • Parent/teacher conferences
  • Referrals for psychological testing or counseling services.


How does my child get in to see the school counselor?

  • A student may self-refer by completing a request slip located by the mailbox next to the counselor’s door
  • A student may be referred by his/her teacher.
  • A student may be referred by his/her parent. Parents may call or email us at any time.


How is confidentiality handled?


The time that students spend with the counselor is a special time, and the students and counselor must develop a trusting relationship. To respect students’ privacy, we will share strengths, concerns, and general feedback with parents. However, we do not usually share specifics of counseling sessions. We may discuss information with teachers and/or administrators, but we will do so only when issues discussed in counseling directly affect students’ performance in the classroom or behaviors at school. Your support and involvement in this process are important and very much appreciated. Discussions with parents are considered confidential unless you have permitted us to disclose information to a third party. Parents are immediately contacted if a student discloses intent to harm him/herself or someone else. All employees of SFA are required to report any disclosures of abuse by any student.


How do I know if my child needs to see the school counselor?


If your child is exhibiting any of the following behaviors or is faced with any of the following situations, you may want to refer him/her to the school counselor:

  • Your child has difficulty making friends.
  • A family member is sick.
  • A recent death in the family.
  • A recent divorce in the family.
  • Your child is exhibiting behavior problems in the classroom.
  • You believe your child may need educational assistance.
  • Your child is exhibiting depressive behaviors.
  • Your child appears withdrawn.
  • Your child seems anxious or stressed.
  • Your child has physiological symptoms (e.g. headaches, stomachaches) that do not have a medical explanation.
  • Your child is having problems eating.
  • Your child is being teased/bullied at school.
  • Your child is experiencing academic problems in multiple subject areas.
  • You have any concerns about your child’s feelings, thoughts, and/or behavior?


What is Friendzy?


Friendzy has an emphasis on building a healthy school culture that creates a safe environment for learning. 

The Friendzy program provides a Biblical social emotional and academic framework for PreK-8 classrooms that teaches skills like respect, confidence, problem solving and communication skills. Teaching friendship skills supports students in managing their emotions, improving ability to set and achieve positive goals, feeling and showing empathy for others, maintaining positive relationships, and making responsible decisions.