VIRTUS Training Information

Thank you for volunteering in our school! As an adult who interacts with our children, our diocese requires that you attend a VIRTUS* training session. This course is required for all employees and volunteers in Catholic churches, schools and ministries throughout the Diocese of Memphis. The training sessions are part of the Diocese’s – and the Catholic Church’s commitment – to keeping children safe from sexual abuse.

The VIRTUS class trains parents, grandparents, teachers – anyone – to recognize signs of sexual abuse, spot abusers and prevent situations that could enable predators to harm children or vulnerable adults. VIRTUS sessions consist of two 30 minute videos which feature interviews with sexual predators and victims. The videos are followed by a question-and-answer session. A background check is conducted on all who attend the training session.

All employees of SFA School and Church have taken this training as part of their employment requirements. The following volunteers must also take VIRTUS training: room parents, lunchroom helpers, coaches, boy/girl scout leaders, parents who volunteer to read to a class, drive for a field trip, help with a party in the classroom, etc.

We recommend all of our parents take the Virtus training since during their children’s school years at SFA they will most likely have contact with our students in a volunteer capacity.

Classes are offered throughout the year, across the diocese. We will also schedule several classes at SFA. The class is free and must be taken only once. Your certificate will be kept on file as long as your child attends our school. Please follow the link below to find out more and to register for an upcoming class.

*The name, ‘VIRTUS’ (virt-oos) is derived from the Latin word that means valor, moral strength, and worth.